Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


5/5 :^)

This should be literally impossible unless cat can’t count.

if i cant count then i blame priestess

she never taught me

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too bad
katze is lying
i asked 9.5, 7.5, 9, 9, 8.5 then got a 0
then 9.5, 9, 8.5, 7.5, 9 then got a 3
but the second one was undoubtedly a 2
which means that katze is changing values :eyes:

no it means im dumb

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how do I turn kat green
do I have to give her only organic food?


banana, banana, banana, banana, banana

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it adds up with the list

salad time
blame Geyde :wink:


katze cant count confirmed

i did not change numbers

i just cant do numbers


what did I get


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A banana

or the other thing


which means that 9.5 is false 100%
and marshal’s guess 3&5 are wrong
and Jane’s guess 2&4 are wrong
but only one of marshal’s 2&4 are correct
and only one of jane’s 3&5 are correct
so I compiled this:

only one of 9 and 7.5 are correct
only one of 8.5 and 9 are correct
9.5 is wrong
and yet I get 3/5

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cheese you’re thinking too far

i fucked up a number cause im dumb


Cheese is town

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“here are things but 1 of the numbers are wrong”
max logic problem vibes