Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i am a rampant rioter

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ah yes, this, the post i initially replied to, definitely contains jane’s guess

well those are my guesses

you should comment on this one :angry:

can i get ur thoughts on my performance and playstyle in JK9 from the perspective of my hydra partner

yeah but i didnt.
that first is 0
that second is 3

thats all i meant to say. if i had meant to say anything else with this (including comments on katze’s ability to count.) i would have said that.

look i provided a format. just use my format with the 3 lines on jane’s guess too or something

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wow that was so long ago

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it took you 23 minutes to type that
that is 11.5 minutes per letter
I’m proud of u

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I did not take 21 minutes to do that

Maybe I had the text box open /shrug

What about the other two minutes



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that reminds me that i have no clue what the difference between a lemur and a lepur is

im not one to ask for detailed analyses
but during JK9
I kinda relied on you a lot for analyses
for one I wasn’t very familiar with what people believed to be a “good playing style”

additionally your meta evidence seemed good but a little excessive to me? I can’t imagine someone actually being able to analyze someone based off of that much data. Would take too much time to read?

The other thing I noticed was you were quite easy to upset? IIRC, you got caught lying, then you went further and further and eventually developed into a wagon.

Things I noticed while playing :upside_down_face:

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this is true, but imo it was a net positive. My brazenness and determination to never back down from the lie i think made eevee realize our slot had PR-based TMI and choose to fall on the sword for us

using meta takes at minimum 12 hours per day phase

just do it faster

I’ve already decided to never do it again
