Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

meta that is

will have to restart my playstyle from scratch
but that’s okay

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you can start dybuposting


In comparison
I haven’t played in a while

who tf even is this DybuDabu guy and why do I hear his nane so often

Hosting is more fun anyways :wink:

Read Hell in a Cell
All will be revealed


hosting can absolutely suck ass

or at the very least just iso him

He’s like if it wasn’t possible for Memesky to not dominate as town

he is


just read his iso in hell in a cell

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That’s too many posts

Here’s the important question

Was he right tho

@orangeandblack5 important question

Which game on this site that you didn’t join do you regret not joining the least of all

If it sucks, just modkill the reason why it sucks :wink:

what an oddly specific question


He got like all the scum it was insane and terrifying


He yelled Derps was scum like all game and no one believed him till lylo

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So then don’t hate on the man

he ended up nailing the last scum and tunneled him for a while until LyLo

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he compromised the OP of insurgency