Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I promise you nothing has changed

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good to know.

I… forgot you played in looming threat
Or did you not play?

vanishes and tries to sleep again


I replaced in for Geyde

Ooooh, right. That’s true.

Right now uh
Town loses a lot

We dont talk about that game :wink:

Town losing games is a meme now.


wtf go to sleep :newspaper_roll:

starts running

better run

ok bye

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So nothing changed

Good to know.

it’s kind of a problem since we’re trying to fix it but we aren’t getting anywhere

goodnight vulgard !!!

I kinda want to sleep

go the heck to sleep :angry:

i also want to sleep but its more “i dont want to be awake”

which is slightly worse

I’m just tired and I don’t know why