Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Why did you flip on Wisp?

when I try to reconstruct my thought process … I was trying to create a PoE for starting scum, and I looked at my reasons for why I had cleared her, and I … focused on the bad reasons I had for clearing her (some of the questions she’d asked about her role feeling like they came from confused town), rather than on the good reasons I had for clearing her, and was like ‘but that’s fakeable’? but didn’t do that for the wolf I was clearing for similarly bad reasons until much later? and then I had a ““3-person PoE for starting scum”” and two of the people in it started defending each other and I was like ‘clearly this is W/W’

also Wisp’s replacement did a couple of slightly wolfy things

/Detonate Blackout


yes, her

Reevaluation is boring and stressful, so it’s easier to not just do that
I had to notice in Arete’s Mountainous 15er that my reads are shit and my townread flipped scum. I scrapped my old reads and refused to do new ones for quite some time :joy:

Wolfy in what manner?

she made some comment about how, if she were to get lynched and flip scum, we wouldn’t know if she was starting or converted, in a way that implied that she thought this could actually happen

and I was confused about how that made sense from a villager mindset (because why would you be expecting to flip scum if you aren’t scum??)

I think the mistake there was focusing on a microread rather than on the macro-read of her Iso, which wasn’t that wolfy?

Oh noes phone gonna die,

Microreads good on nulls.
Macroreads good on everyone else.


The problem with macroreads is that people here love hyperposting, but generally it’s the better way to handle someone who you think is town / a wolf rather than just null.

I kind of ignore people making “if I flip scum” comments on this site. I see comments like this coming from town way too often here.

It shouldn’t because you know you’re V and the if here is nonsensical as it’s a 0% chance of happening, but people still say this shit.

I usually use different standards when reading people here vs. reading people on MU as the site meta is different, so comments like those or dumb shit like 3p hunting I usually ignore.

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It’s not just hyperposting but hyperposting without content.

If 75%+ of your posts are random shit that has nothing to do with the game, then that’s a huge problem.

Or just meme’ing in general.


yes the fact that some people have 1000+ post Isos also makes re-evaluating more difficult regardless of their alignment :upside_down_face:

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Or it’s talking in circles / repeating what’s been already said.

At this point I think I’m going to lynch/vig those people on policy because they are making the game more difficult to solve.

I also genuinely believe that some people do it on purpose as scum to make reading them a chore.

If you’re trying to be pro-town, make reading you a task that’s actually doable.

My ISO in Insurgency was ~500 posts despite the fact I lived nearly the whole game. That’s ~130-140 posts per day. Still more than enough to contribute and do things, but within the range of readability.

I’m not trying to flex here, just showing how you can make things easier for other townies when you rand town.

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why is katze sulit
why is geyde sulit
why am i sulit

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