Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think there’s also some amount of social pressure to hyperpost – everyone wants to feel like they’re contributing, and separately if everyone else is hyperposting and you aren’t people take it as a sign that you aren’t ‘invested’ and/or have a harder time remembering your contributions (which in turn makes it harder to find you as V)

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Less is more.

Like, I’m not going to encourage slanking, but you can say more with 50 posts than with 500.

I think overt TMI is never TMI. Things like “how do you KNOW I’m town???” That kinda thing. It should be a tell, but I’ve never seen it actually work.

Indirect TMI is another thing entirely.

Apparently eating a waffle is the solution to blackouts.

“Why are you not posting” doesn’t have to mean “join the hyperposters or die.”

If that’s the impression people get, then we have to change it, starting from the top. If hyperposters stop hyperposting and slow down to the point of becoming readable (wow, impossible), then people who are newcomers won’t feel an immense amount of pressure to hyperpost too.


Site meta is shaped by the more prominent players, and if everyone POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS POSTS, then we’re always going to have 10k+ games where nobody will actually read everything and most people are just going to skim.

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Or just hyperposting without content.

If 75%+ of their posts are random shit that has nothing to do with the game, then that’s a huge problem.

Sometimes meme’ing as well.


It was actually easier to read people and nail wolves when we had fewer posts in our games. Notice how the older mashes where town won (or came close to winning) were sub 10k (the whole game). Now we have at least 50% more than that on average.

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And wolves keep winning.
I really don’t think that’s a coincidence. It might really be that simple.

P much, wolves are generally more subtle with TMI.

i wanna say that i agree with all of y’all but i’m going to sound like a hypocrite. even though i actively plan on cutting down on my postcount

I don’t believe anyone who plays here reads the entire thread these days. You just can’t. There’s information overload everywhere.

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Notice how Mafia Academy was a complete town dunk because of post restrictions, except for lolneutralfruitvendor which was a mech misclear. And that was a relatively recent game in comparison to the old mashes.

quietly raises hand


I wouldn’t be surprised.

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I think you may be skimming stuff subconsciously, unless you have 8+ hours per day to read everything.

You’d think that having less information would be bad for town, but it was actually great, because we could use what we had and analyze it deeply. We had the time for it. And we correctly nailed wolf after wolf.

Wolves benefit from high postcounts way more than town does.

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isnt this… completely normal?

Lower amount of posts would definitely make it more fun to play town.

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