Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Which is why pre-flipping is fucking stupid. On MU is usually hard SR anyone who does this, but people here do this non-stop on this site which is why I only SR people who base their entire reads on preflips such as Leafia in FE.

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Took me a while to realize this, actually.

I’m still annoyed that I read both Derps and Oblight correctly in Insurgency (pointing out their lack of TMI), then ended up convinced about voting both.

Frankly yeah. I absolutely hate it because when people do this shit to me as I generally am right such as when Kyo SR’d me for pushing Italy in Anime, Vul SR’d me for pushing Appel in SFV, or Tw1 SR’d me for pushing Magnus in ToS2.

i promise im better now
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Can someone host a Turbo?

For what it’s worth, that’s part of the reason why I completely stopped reading people like this.

there’s also the related variation on this read, ‘Player A is defending unflipped Player B, whom I think is scummy, so Player A and Player B must be W/W’

I’m just going to read people on their first 5 posts, it worked pretty well in Hell in a Cell Spec chat.

Or people immediately jump to pocketing.

What’s worse in that case is that absolutely nobody on this site even hard-defends their wolfbuddy anymore, so a player hard-defending a wolf is more likely to be a villager.


Like, the last time I saw a wolf hard-defending a wolfbuddy on this site was Solic defending Magnus in NDFM, and he was outright trying to make himself look TWTBAW doing this.

I think that harddefending only happens if the player you’re defending is a strong PR or something, so throwing yourself under the bus is worth it.

I harddefend my wolfbuddies sometimes

i say while holding alice’s detonator

Ideally you defend a wolfbuddy by shifting the wagon and pushing an alternative lynch.

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But pushing people can make you look scummy! You can’t just push people, because that’s going to make you scumread!


Wolves try not to associate themselves too heavily with their own partners. That’s a good way to get all the group wolves killed if they have too much association with each other.

Neutral Killer is probably easiest to appear as socially town. They have no associations which can incriminate them as they want everyone dead except neutrals.

ideally you push LHF and 0 posters

It’s why NDFM was such a town stomp despite the fact that they had Marg just Yolo-shooting with a dayvig and a role that gave her multiple ITAs per day.

Wolves didn’t bother to distance. At all. Except for N.