Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


The second best thing has to be NERF THIS.

That was probably one of the most single instances of horrendous town play I’ve seen. Marl was literally doing nothing that match but begging for Ult charges, so there was no damn reason to give it to him.

I’m curious if you have any other particularly good stories of terrible townplay

ideally terrible townplay that wasn’t my fault

Would you mind if the examples were your own bad town play?

I just backread and I feel very attacked

In response to this I will spampost

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Alice gives off this aura of a cranky adult who has seen more than dozens of people combined, and who could tell stories all day, but will always complain while doing so.

I’m gonna pull an Arete and clarify that this isn’t intended to be an insult.


I already have multiple reasons to cry, you don’t need to add more.


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Wait no I take it back I’ll never post again


Usually the ones I remember are when the entire town fucked up like in LotR or Looming Threat.

Single instances, I remember that one time when I villager CC’d a cop with a red with a red on another villager and nearly got a villager mislynched instead of the actual redchecked wolf because they never rescinded their check.

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Like, the only reason why they weren’t insta-lynched was because they were the real cop’s n0.

they wouldn’t have if they’d chosen to go to a certain location


Checks are a good meme, albeit overused.

imagine hyperposting

this post was made by the everyone ignores me gang


I feel like when I choose not to stay up all the interesting stuff happens but the moment I stay up till 2am nothing happens


Like, people mech-cleared Arete and Marshal for no damn reason at all.

That match was actually worse than FE because neither Vulgard nor Set had any mech grounding and still took a huge time to be lynched despite both being obvious wolves.

FE was a complete loss because people blindly believed cop and mason claims.

If you did not post in smol babie text then you would be “louder” and people would listen to you more. While I wouldn’t encourage YELLING AT PEOPLE LIKE MARSHAL IN A CERTAIN GAME, it’s sometimes beneficial to take more initiative by forcing people to listen. You were the main reason I leaned town on Zone in that game, and you should be proud of yourself for that at least.

some day i will force everyone to see the timeline where the village went to Mount Doom D1