Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

hello i am soolit

I been tricked

I been backstabbed

And quite possibly, bamboozled

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Grabs bowl

dont do it

Grabs box of cat food


Grabs carton of milk

Does anybody play

oh you mean “dead by daylight but worse”?

It wasn’t worse, I definitely think it had potential
That lawsuit on them really hurt

I have it, havent played it since its release

it may have had potential but i dont think it was anything special

but the lawsuit fucked any chances of that changing

If you decide on playing I have a freshly written program you can run as an EXE that displays all the maps w/ items and spawn locations.


Thats pretty cool.

Pours milk into bowl

Yeets cat food into bowl

Yeets kat into bowl

Gibs bowl to kat

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why the fuck are you ruining perfectly good food?

What do you mean?