Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How much capturing is too much capturing

it would increase price of game though, which would be cause for bitching

What’s the goal of FE? Like, what do you do in it?

complete chapter goals

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also argue about whether teenage girls are legal because they’re ancient dragons in disguise
you know
the point of fire emblem

Roy is so hilariously bad. He takes three rounds of combat to kill an archer and almost dies in the process.

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Uhm… excusemewhatnow?

The only reason he even wins the 1v1 is because I gave him an Angelic Robe.

scrunches up forehead

i am not explaining this
somebody else can do it if they’re feeling like losing their sanity

what the fuck are these bases
why does he have 15 con

that’s point of newer games

I tried to give him a few kills so he wouldn’t be garbage, but he’s level 5 and… still garbage.

welcome to Thracia 776 Geyde
have fun

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0 skill
0 speed

all i know about Thracia 776 is that it’s weird as shit
almost as weird as Gaiden

dagdar just decided that they were able to move again
okay game

Accurate description of how good I am at Fire Emblem.

Oh look, it’s me


I’m using them for memes since Marty Party

So I heard you lost Rutger
He’s one of the best units in the game so :eyes: