Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

what are you talking about
this man merely wants to use his huge intellect to save the world

unless it’s fe4, where it’s only obvious 90% of the time

do you want cursed 3h content that will make you want to question why you exist

Oh great, I got Lilina killed. And I got Lugh killed earlier, which means that I haven’t had a magic user for a long time now. All the tomes are wasted.

this is a message from lord nergal

“I await you on the Dread Isle.”

i just realized that this was the cookie post

jokes on you i already question why i exist

use it
i can survive anything

dagdar now has the brave axe
everything will PERISH

i’m in an elevated state of tiredness in which i am able to do all things which require 0 effort perfectly but can do absolutely nothing that requires any amount of effort

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Ah yes, more units I won’t use.


oh god
lilina dead means no gaiden chapter

barth has a godly res growth
he’s a solid meme unit

@Icibalus can attest to this

new unit

I think she’s my ~9th death?

3 move stars
holy fuck

My to-go party in single player is Leper + Flagellant + Occultist/Vestal + Plague Doctor
2/3 religious classes and everyone is healer :upside_down_face:

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