Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

what did i miss why is everybody on a new pfp

I decided to troll, put my profile picture as Marg’s pfp and trick people into thinking she was typing

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and now we went back to our old pfps… older pfps ^^

Then we just decided to all become old forum members

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thats the amelia i remember
but i like the current one too

i believe so

its been like two years

this is what you guys wanted from me right

this isn’t my oldest pfp

I think this post most likely comes from a town mindset. Katze is saying that everybody is on a new PFP, which shows that he’s trying to solve the game, because he’s trying to figure out why we’re doing something he thinks is weird. This solviness is townie because wolves wouldn’t want to solve the game.

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You should go back to your golden lion
The one you have in the discord

arete nerd

nerd bad

/vote aret

@Chloe removed themselves from this message June 3rd.


This was my first PfP if i remember

the 2020 mood

Wait, my attempt to roleplay as the younger version of Arete was somewhat flawed. When I started out, I almost always used the term ‘scummy’ rather than the term ‘wolfy.’

what was your oldest?
I remember the redhaired Amelia pretty well

I think Arete’s a wolf. They are being logical, and wolves are often logical because they want their reads to appeal to villagers – who are, by definition, illogical. It’s easier to be logical when you’re a wolf, because you know everyone’s alignments, so Arete’s employment of this strategy is scum indicative.

/vote Arete


:game_die: 10



I’ll join this whole nostalgia thing.