Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Didn’t we let him die despite being 100% mechconfirmed, so he can’t become king, because of his gladiates

I was a high poster in FoL 26, and I definitely tried to make reads
they weren’t entirely correct

Like I told Chloe, it felt like the game itself screamed “NEUTS OUT!!!” at Italy while sending him to his doom.

It was glorious.

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…I mean, he gladiated the Cult Leader (who he had mechanical info was fake), then gladiated a consensus scumread, who turned out to be a neut. As ways to use gladiates go he was doing pretty well.

Arete would call me a slanker.

I want to see you making reads again.

My reads are only super-accurate in games I don’t play.

Icibalus is NK
Chloe is town


Okay uh

I tinfoil that Arete is Scorned

How could you

But how can Arete be the Scorned if I’m the Scorned.

tol fool equivalent. yes.

there was no reason for this gladiates, they were not town motivated

they were HILARIOUS

gladiating two non-town is kind of good though


That was a joke, you nerd.

Also, I didn’t say they were super-accurate in every game I don’t play, just that they’re only super-accurate in games I don’t play.

I wanted to say all the time “But that’s not your pfp, that’s the pfp of Jgoesgaming”
now i understand ^^

Proving self as magistrate for one

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Tfw somebody gladiates two non-town (100% success rate) and their mechanical play is still described negatively.

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I mean
Magistrate is ez confirm

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