Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

its better than calling it the nudes cat

Uhm… wtf?

Just call it a grey cat.

I’m calling it the lion cat

No, that’s the current kat, we’re referring to other kat.

but the lighting makes it look pink, which makes it easier to differentiate between that specific cat and other cats

No it doesn’t, people are just crazy.

the other kat doesn’t exist reeeee

all kats exist reeeee

sacrifice her reeeee

no reeeeee

yes reeeee
reeeee good

This giant crab is about to become my friend

(After it recovers from my failed cannon shot to knock it out)



truly realisitc japanese warfare

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@KyoDaz hug its’ weak point for massive comfort!


If I go anywhere near that thing I am going to get absolutely slaughtered
They are only weak to explosives
Bullets don’t do anything
And my rocket launcher is at my base because I ran out of rockets

I am going to knock it out with a catapult, feed it some delicious spoiled meat and it’ll become my friend
Then we’ll slaughter everything

Peak realism right here.

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Hey @CRichard564, do you have that PFP because Alice plans to host the DR Misc.?