Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

looking really weird

probably the ability to turn into a fucking basketball pterodactyl

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Neither of those are correct.

Have you got any fours!?

being a nerd

Well… you’re technically not super wrong.

His Emperor Eye can see the smallest details of a person’s movements, including their breathing, heartbeat, sweat, muscle contractions, etc. With this, he can time his actions perfectly to nullify the opponent’s movements, sabotaging whatever tactics the opponent tries to execute. All offenses are predicted beforehand and all defenses crumble before his eyes In short, he can “see the future of his opponent’s moves.


And there’s still people more OP than him.


did we both just wake up at about the same time

good morning soolit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

easy guess

when in doubt: theyre a nerd

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(kinda) awake sulit noises

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You could also techically describe the MC and the most OP guy in the series as “they’re a nerd”.


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I have to run a mile today

I must run it in under 8 minutes to get an A which is utter bullshit but it’s fine

make a statement by walking it

So 1.6 km?

Tough, I could probably only do it in 9.

I’d actually be faster in a 40-minute “run” if I could walk, because I can walk really fast but I get exhausted quickly while running.

Time for some cheese

build up speed for 12 hours before the race begins

if you align your QPUs correctly, you can shift 4 dimensions to the right and finish the race instantly

just watch out for slopes


Wanna compete for fastest time?