Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How time is going to be “confirmed”?

yeah same

which is why I’m angery ):<

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I was going to say make a dimensional tear to your destination by having town actually win a game

Sure :eyes:


Run tracking phone app

Somehow if I’ve been running for a while and I’m completely exhausted I can run really fast without feeling my legs and it’s weird as shit.

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Yeah same

It’s side cramps that completely ruin me

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If you use a scooter and don’t go full speed on it, you should be able to do it without many problems

We gotta run it on a track

Cannot take any bikes or scooters on the track

I’ll do it in about 2 and a half hours since I’m technically “doing homework” right now.

Just run good 4head

How would they figure out that you were using a scooter

I’ll do it later since I am eating breakfast and still half awake

This is bad advice geyde since occasionally I like not actually doing the intended work and going for cheese strats

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They probably couldn’t figure it out

But it’s against the track rules to do that

I doubt anyone would really care tho hmm

Meh I’ll just run it and hope I do ok

Alternatively you could have somebody fit do it for you

No one I could reasonably ask to do that can run it faster than me probably