Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I just rode my bike home and I fell off it in my driveway

My neighbors saw



writing wallposts requires a lot of focus and i don’t usually have that

my thoughts are very sporadic


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Everybody does embarassing things, you silly.

Aaaaaa I’m bleeding

Heck I’m dumb

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/stonewall sulit

no heals for you


/Pin Down sulit

Because this works

Wash it off and clean it you nerd.


shes too young, wtf

i did not have to make this post and i did anyway
why did i do that


bandaid halp

Why are you like this.

I amfjnejsnns

because i am internet funny katze

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a broken clock is right twice a day

Depends on how broken it is, tbh.

what if I steal the little pointy clock things

wait no stOP

Why does posting a single post take several minutes on my phone?

Posting doesn’t take that long for me but forums have been kinda slow

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