Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh boy.

But I can run from you

nobody can run from me


I said jokingly I could GM Rokugan here but now I really want to do it. Anyone wants to samurai?

only if TLD reappears but stronger

Nah the Lying Darkness is a high tier villain
It can be used later on, but will not appear at the start of the game.

Basically it is something that tempts you to ruin, so the book tells me to use it against high ranked characters since they are more developed and the players are more attached to them.
Darkness corruption in the real game is always voluntary and it makes it more terrifying. You choose to get dark corrupted.

wait i thought you meant another FM game, not the actual game


I am also planning Rokugan 2 game, but this one will be a closed setup.

so you’re saying there’s a chance for lying darkness 2.0

Hopefully with less D1 winning

It now wins on N0 :^)


It now wins on pre-game start


Getting out of bed is hard


Hi chloe !!!

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Imagine if you wanted to get out of bed
But your dog fell asleep right next to you

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Hi soolit!

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if u dont do it im gonna pull ur hair


Me but with a cat and a dog

I cant move because then i have to move them
So i will stay here for eternity

@Magnus check discord
i dm’d you an invite to the designcord