Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



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Also Amelia, counterpoint:
If you continue making setups, you won’t be able to play yourself.
I want to see you mislynched on D1 one more time.

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:angry: I’ll save them from ze lynchus.

found the sheet

that’d require me to play more FM games

This is… well. This will be troubling then.
When I play, I just say everything I want to say.

But when I push: I push with a straightforward vote, and not those wishy-washy shades or “I don’t like this behavior.”

Hm… How to make decisive pushes without commenting unnecessary stuff… I don’t know how to do that.

Ah yes, the timeless classic.


the N1 erad was a bigger gamer move

Corax Cult eradicates on N1 like gods.
Mithras Cult just converts Alice.



mithras cult went for the n1 convert and got wiped out

clearly not a coincidence

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Corax cult went for the night 1 kill and got wiped out

Clearly the answer is to no action

I would say this was intended, but no, I just can’t type.

Amelia has ascended.

speaking of emilia

iirc she fakeclaimed CW as archer and then went gamer mode in the endgame by shooting italy


I just remembered that if you lynch a Vanilla Townie in Direwolf they can make someone hated

And it stacks

shoutout to the Corax Cult for the galaxy-brain play of faking a ~redcheck on someone who was Bountied when this had been publicly discussed


Now I actually want to see this setup being a thing.

stack hated debuffs on amelia

just kidding you’d be the D1 lynch and give me the hated debuff :frowning:


Corax Cult was playing 5D chess this whole time.