Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I would like to learn how to cut hair
I don’t like awkwardly talking to the barber
The first time I try it’ll be awful :upside_down_face:

Relatable. Just say absolutely nothing in response, they’ll stop.

I don’t have steady hands so if I cut my hair it would be a disaster



i hate it so much


i mean the only screenshot worthy things were… probably the dybu dabus in twitch chat, which wouldnt be of the stream itself

you’re fine

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it’s really not as hard as it’s made out to be

at least for the style I like

my hair is really curly so if I tried to cut it I’d probably just mess it all up and it’d look like a mess for a while

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I mean it already does, but more of a mess

i just want my hair to be shorter

although it might be a bit complicated to cut because its a bit curly

but i can probably cut it?idk

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You did look great.
Well done, nerds.

Sulit is chloe but with long hair

my hair isn’t really that long

it’s like

shoulder length

I kinda wish it was longer

Meahwhile, ever since there was this nice dude in my Emag class in Fall 2017 with absurdly luscious long blond hair, I’ve tried growing my hair out multiple times and always failed

Relatable, mine is starting to grow out again and I’m too inept to cut it myself.


it takes a freaking year for it to grow like an inch though shejdnsn

my hair just grows up

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Still longer than mine

Also I love her

She’s very posh

do you want to trade hair

(She’s a seamstress)

I cut it really short like two years ago now and I really regret it now because it takes so long to grow back