Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

this is true for me now but it’s more that it’s better for me to eat what’s cheap and lasts a really long time to save money than me having any sensitivity taste-wise

peanut butter is rated

it’s a fucking household staple and works well to create a delicious protein-rich fluid that tastes yummy, compliments other things, and has enough taste to be eaten on a sort of bland receptacle (such as bread)

I’m the kind of people who goes to McDonalds all over the world, wherever I’m on holidays
cuz there is food I actually know :joy:


this is not politics
this is statement of fact
a statement a certain person is being angry against

I’m going to go get the peanut butter thing right now and start eating it

watch me

california-style sushi isn’t anything like the authentic stuff in japan btw

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oh boy
have you ever been to korean McDonalds

I became biased against several foods that I were forced to try even though I didn’t want to and because of that even though they taste fine I refuse to eat them

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It’s hard to become unbiased against something especially if you know, had a bias against it for a long time

I tried to get a mcshwarma from an israeli mcdonald’s
they didnt have any


Peanut butter

Come at me.

you can send them if you want

ill probably forget you did for like, multiple weeks, since i don’t eat salmon that often

and then whenever i do make salmon next ill probably lazy out like usual

…i don’t do recipes much


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what’s wrong with jelly ):

this is some damn good peanut butter right here

now I want a peanut butter jelly sandwich

that sounds amazing

grape jelly is disgusting
fruity jams are decent tho

strawberry jam > grape jam

fite me