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@katze @sulit


that set was so ridiculously overtuned

i still have no idea what the hell they were thinking while designing that set

they probably wanted to make the cards impactful, but didn’t realize how ridiculous they actually were

it’s true that nobody ever does in these games but Frozen Throne was a particularly weird case
what the fuck is Dead Man’s Hand

I mean, I understand what the card is, but why did they print it???

dead man’s hand was a gamer idea and I stand by it
at least when I’m not facing it

same reason someone printed one with nothing
not great example but it’s sort of passable

One With Nothing was a joke card that doesn’t have an obvious application but ended up being a staple in sideboards because the dominant decks killed you by making your hand be too full.

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Dead Man’s Hand basically reads “yeah lol if you run two of these you can just fuckin survive fatigue have fun with that”

better comparison

why do we exist

because blizzard printed us in order to increase sales for hearthstone
next question

it also makes no sense in the sense that it has absolutely nothing to do with the design themes of Frozen Throne’s Warrior cards, which focus on damaged minions with a subtheme of weapons.

And then there’s just an Epic card that allows you to survive fatigue.

Just… what was Frozen Throne? The hero cards were cool if a bit overtuned but the rest of the set was kind of just all over the place.


let’s not forget this bullshit
until GREETINGS FELLOW HUMANS came along this was the #1 hated Priest minion

I kinda liked KotFT standard big priest

i wouldn’t know but I’ve seen enough wild games to know that Obsidian Statue is annoying, pretty much for the exact same reasons Convincing Infiltrator is. Only difference is that Infiltator is cheaper and Priest has insane revival in standard right now.

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i forgot to thank you for pinging me infinite times overnight


any time

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