Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



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But but

Roadhog rides again

if you are good with a character people will be mad

desu desu is a better song than ayaya intensifies and you can fight me

i will beat you up

did i mention when i first started playing her i had no idea her bomb had friendly fire

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Roadhog is best boy

and i killed myself with it like 3 times

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I bloody love Brigitte

i’d kick your ass in a brawl

it doesnt, it has self damage though

that’s what i meant by friendly fire
im bad at terminology

all brigitte has going for her is the katt emote

Gran Rodeo songs are all epic and you can’t change my mind.

shhhh hes trying to use big boy fps words

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I’m an echo main now

oh and i blinked straight into pits with her

i have way too many hours in FPS games to let people use wrong terminology

probably over 20k total

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Still never played with echo

Its been a hot minute


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