Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Because as far as I see it he’s literally just used this as an excuse to throw the game because he was losing
The moderator as far as I’ve seen has not targeted him for the color of his skin nor used it as a racially-inappropriate word
Some people need to get a grip and realise that these people are abusing what’s happening in real life

This is petty as HELL.
Next thing you know you’ll be having women claiming that they’re offended because people are ‘voting’ them and it’s linked to the Women’s suffrage, replacing out and this happens again.
Unless I’m wrong and this Head Moderator has targeted this player for his race this is just an excuse to end the game

like i said

i don’t personally agree with it

but i also don’t think its much to ask

i see it sort of similar to calling people their preferred pronouns, it’s not something that effects everyone but for those who do, it probably means a lot

this is defintiely a great example as only a handful of people know my gender for certain



you are :cat:



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If this was actually used in the context that would offend a player then I’d understand. Ban the word being used in that context. Actually, it’s already banned in that context; it’s called racism. lol.
This is literally just people abusing the current state of the world to end a mafia game because they’re losing.

This is like looters to the protestors. They are abusing the situation.
But changing a word and ‘giving in’ like this will just cause it to be repeated. This kind of thing shouldn’t be allowed. Breaking game integrity over a word that wasn’t used in an offensive context is unacceptable.

We shouldn’t allow people to abuse the system like this.


Anyway that’s my opinion on the matter.

i mean i don’t think any site is hard banning the word

i think its just “we’d like you to try to not use it” which… isnt unreasonable imo


Mafia451 were considering auto-replacing it.
I’ve suggested jettison. Multiple times on there.
That’s where the meme comes from.

again I think that his justification for breaking game integrity is incredibly off

however even without that i’m fine transitioning away from the word. Context matters, but not everyone will have it immediately and may be uncomfortable, and just using a different word isn’t hard enough that actively protesting is practical

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Official™️ statement from eevee™️ just says “try not to use it” which, again, is Fair™️

i habitually will probably use the word myself

i’ll probably try to use it less

but i see no real issue with the statement

Where is this

It was just announced check the thread

jettison is both ironically and unironically the best replacement

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‘Celebrating revolutionary spacecraft technology’

I sound like Steve Jobs promoting the iPhone for the first time

…wait. So the cause of the word ban is the other global event? I understand the cause of the latter, but to ban a whole word of it in the entire internet… that should’ve been impossible, because it is impossible.

I agree with your opinion: This is system… no, power? Movement? --it’s an abuse of something, but I can’t tell what. Peer pressure? Hrm… I can’t seem to find the words for it.

–anyhow, the point is: Replacing a whole word for all Forum Mafia is blatantly ridiculous. I don’t want to sound like the king from the French Revolution, but if this can happen to one word, then this can happen to many other words. …and I am simply against that world.

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It’s because people feel like they’re racist or a bad person if they oppose it.
I despise that logic.

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you must be fun at parties