Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

a classic


You need to wake up soon so you can snipe the cookie.


It’s miiiiine

Wtf how are we at 42069 already




if anyone cares i’m going 7-2 in Arena in Hearthstone right now

and i lost twice soon aftter
still, 7 is a cool number of wins
got me 175 gold and an Ashes of Outland pack

Imagine being skilled enough to win more than 3 games in Arena.

The only times I did well in Arena was when I had overpowered decks.

i managed to get a Fist of Ra-Den in a spell deck

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@katze @sulit


is in the cookie thread

gets alert

scrolls down



For a moment I thought you were talking about WoW, then I saw that it was Hearthstone.
Arena hasn’t been fun since Gatgeztan.


I see your no exam skills and raise you
only exam skills

there arent??

like 104 left as of this post, let alone when you posted this

this was a reply to a post kyo put a while back, but i reloaded and it did the thing where it pretend the original place i was replying to was undefined, and that got rid of the reply

fm idea:

20 Questions FM:

  • rolemadness
  • very few to no bog standard fm roles (a modifier of some sort works fine. a insane cop that’s told they’re insane works)
  • the text of ~all abilities in everyones’ rolecards start out blank.
  • during a phase, a player may choose to attempt to use an ability, or to ask a certain number of yes or no questions regarding their role.


anyone who wishes may use this. its intentionally vague to allow room for the host to tweak it how they wish. for instance although the diagnosed insane cop works for the first point, so would someone who on odd nights heals the person above who they target in the playerlist, and on even nights kills someone at random who shares at least one prime factor with the number of the person they target. again, up to the host/designer. as another example, whether day abilities/questions are a thing is left to the host, as well as the exact amount of information hidden in the rolecards.
all i ask is that if someone makes this, they let me know they did it so i can see it happen. thats it

Yeah… I must’ve counted wrong then.

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I want that cookie… so, who wants to make up ideas for FMs with me in the mean time?
:cricket: :cricket::cricket:
…okay, I guess I will react to Simon’s idea.

So… there is something like a “Question Phase” during the latter half of Day Phase, when people can ask questions in their PM about their role and possibly unlock it?

Does everyone start out with a certain number of abilities, and if so wouldn’t this mean that everyone is essentially a JOAT with extra steps?