Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hm… Hey @everyone, what does Auction Mafia entail?

Probs gonna make a KnB mash after exams.

i mean. technically the answers to all of those are “:man_shrugging: its up to the host”
because i cant host for beans and cant really design games either (balance and actual game-ness wise).
i just get some neat ideas and can turn those ideas into a basis fairly easily.

but like i did think into it somewhat and so i have ideas, i just left them out of that post to not really try and force them on anyone who might want to pick it up
i was thinking, just. during the night. you can try and use your ability, or you can ask questions. you cant do both. so its a game of using your limited questions well (i was thinking something like 5 questions per night if you do that), and a balancing act of when to ask questions to find more about your abilities, and when to do something good for the town.
say something you know is that your ability is an investigative ability, and you choose to go for someone who was in poe yesterday but not really focused on.
but. that may not be the best move. you could get a result anywhere from “yes” to “B” to “killing/offensive” to a role name to their whole role card, in theory.

as for the second bit. idk. i dont think they’d be joats though. joats normally have 4 one use abilities, and in that case they’d actually be closer to dreaming gods, but either way i dont think any abilities they’d have would be single use

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but like yeah thats kinda my ideal fm.
theres a hard puzzle element in it, and mechanics kinda have to come into play, in a way where they’re kinda central to the whole thing, but not necessarily off the walls or zany like can be in clown-fiesta-esque bastard games

well the competitive players would most likely just shirk the mechanics completely for d1 and d2 and just play it mountainous.
although, if one wanted to force players to make mechanics a thing (which isnt usually a good thing, mind you. you’re there to make a game they want to play and thats fun for them to play, not to watch them play your game how you want them to, but whatever), that could definitely be possible by tweaking it a bit

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The host would have an insane workload, answering all of these questions left and right.

Personality quiz mafia
You answer 5 questions and your class is given out of your answers
There are 2⁵ unique classes


Just say 32 ez.

I don’t know how much was 2⁵ ayy

imagine not having your powers of 2 up to 10 memorized

imagine not having your powers of 2 up to 10 memorized but added that your university makes you translate binary into hexadecimal

imagine memorizing numbers

what are you, nerds?



Why is that Mulan song so catchy?

bruh, binary to hexa is easy.
easier than decimal to hexa
break them into groups of 4 and then just go from there.

imagine not being a nerd

Not A Nerd

I know there were strategies but I forgot them all and left my notebook in my apartment

take your binary number
break into groups of 3 (not 4, sorry) starting from the right
10 110 111 101 001
now each of these is one digit
2 6 F 9 1

Imagine not having your powers of 2 up to 50 memorized.

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wait no it is 4 im dumb

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