Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Read what i replied to

What realm do you play on Vulgard?

i haven’t been playing for a long time though so i don’t have gear
burning legion

Main class/spec? When did you start playing?

Of course you are on the polish server :eyes:

imma make someone mad


wow is bad game


i only started playing seriously this month but i’m generally familiar with stuff in this game
my main is a ww monk

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i enjoy playing it

Ans might sacrifice you to his tentacle lord

thats all that really matters, i just want to make anstreim mad

I thought you would be more of a paladin type, but I think monk makes sense for you. Have you done Ny’alotha yet?

too bad ans already knows my opinion on WoW and MMOs in general tho :eyes:

i haven’t started doing raids because i’m still grinding reputation for world quests and gearing

My woman looks sexy

I’ve done yo’Mama


if you kill every citizen in geneva and burn it to the ground
does the geneva convention still make it a war crime

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theres a lot of things on your screen

katze is overwhelmed

and i know this isn’t even a lot for MMOs


I’m really poor on WoW tho

I’m Arcane main and I basically pugged it with a guild that let me in (I left my guild after the drama in Legion)


Why are you like this.