Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

vanilla minecraft requiring every player to sleep as opposed to just the majority is awful


we should have Minecraft server

yesss we should

That’d be lit

Idk how to make one tho

i can make LANs but
i think to make an actual server you’d have to pay money

Aren’t there a couple websites you can make free ones

But you have to like manually turn it on

That sounds like work

im trying to imagine all the way this could go wrong

but someone who knows how to use redstone is going to break the server

and its prob gonna be me and chloe


Why break server when you can make NOTEBLOCK MUSIC


realms are the best way to do group servers

but monies :frowning:

I could probably do that?


imagine not using your knowledge of redstone to make hidden piston doors in mountains

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okay but i like to automate things

and you like… music

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Also i know how to host minecraft servers but

A. Money
B. Lazy

I think everyone gets a free trial for 30 days but I used mine in like 7th grade

Dang I was gonna have a job this summer so I could actually get things but dummy covid yeeted that plan

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brb gonna get a skele to kill a creep and get stahl

same :frowning:

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giant iron farm

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Also, i remembered that this is a thing
I’ve only used it with 1 other player at a time
And i dont remember how it works at all so yeah thats a thing

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You can make a free one at Athernos

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