Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

if I ran a couple rounds of Blood on the Clocktower (the game that BotF is based on) in the War Room VC tonight is that a thing people would be interested in

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would i get crucified if i typed


Really bad at understanding the setup
But maybe? I could try

more likely people would just forget you existed :^)

whats new

Just use a voicechanger

I know you have one


i literally don’t

i didn’t before i reinstalled windows and if i did, i’d have lost it

so ayaya

But mangs is never punished

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It seemed like a katze thing to have to mess with people in csgo

no in csgo i just type

i used to have a soundboard as well

I’m barely halfway through the game and I only have 5 living units. 2 of which are garbage Roy and lolMerlinus.
Can I even beat the game?

roys our boy


7 strength Roy

Oh no the grass fires have started

Happy summer, everyone

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are u doing ironman? If not do u have like an older save. Idk about you but i usually reset a chapter if i lose a guy. Mainly cause im a control freak but besides the point

I decided not to reset after getting someone killed because I wanted to suffer from my mistakes.
Also because it’s more realistic that way.

Its near the landfill too

Fire and the smell of garbage
That cant be fun to live near

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