Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


thats an actual rip

you got fucked hard

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Especially since I have 7 units including him and Merlinus. Every unit counts.

I think that I will have to let Cecilia and Allen hard carry me. Allen has the most overpowered class in the game, so he basically destroys everything that doesn’t have an anti-cav weapon / magic.

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Miledy GOAT

I’m playing for the first time ever and I already see how absurdly broken Paladins are.

Full weapon triangle control, massive movement, high con, great stats, canto. Why.

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Oh yeah, and Miledy when she gets some levels.
Having a flier is nice.

Right now her speed is kinda eh, but at least her class is good.

Same with Cecilia, actually.

Meanwhile Allen is styling on everyone with 21 speed.


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Oh yeah, and I also have a really good promoted Wolt. He’s a godsend against dracoknights, etc.

go commit devil axe

Not being able to counter at melee is bad, but he’s been invaluable to me.

Meanwhile armor knights have like 4 move, garbage res, low accuracy, low avoid, locked to lances…


This game feels really all over the place balance-wise. Some units and classes are just borderline unusable.

everybody has pretty shit accuracy in fe6 due to all weapons having pretty low hit
armor knights suck a lot in fe6 due to big maps

My Allen has S in swords and lances, so that helps.
Training his axe rank rn. He’s a combat god.

so go kill people, but sometimes u die

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it kinda is
fe6 has a ‘block’ of good units
but a lot of shit ones

I put him in the middle of ~15 enemies in the last chapter and he didn’t even lose hp. Idk if it’s Paladins being broken or just the fact I’ve dumped plenty of resources into him.

having rutger die is a massive oof

Just play three houses, they all usable, except Cyril. Thats like 1 out of 40 units

I killed him entirely by accident. I misclicked and ended my turn instead of healing.

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