Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it’s probably the resources
paladins are very good in fe6/fe7 though

cyril has point blank volley and godly starting skill ranks
he’s very usable

Fun fact: he killed Lance.

Lolambushspawns. That one was bullshit because I was trying to seize on the next turn.

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his growthes blow, they failed making a donnel

he’s not that bad
just recruit him early

point blank volley cannot physically be bad

he has it at C+
he starts with C bows

that’s really easy

The funniest thing are Allen’s supports with Roy, where he talks about charging in and crushing Roy’s enemies. Roy is like “hmm no…” while Allen is like “hell yeah!”

…In my playthrough, Allen is doing exactly that on every map.

I felt like the game had meta awareness of Allen being by far my best unit.

strategy in motion

It really shouldn’t work, but it does work. He just crushes everything and onerounds with iron weapons.

The way I’m going to clear the desert chapter is by having him rescue Roy (so that garbage lord doesn’t die) and then kill everything while covering for Cecilia, whereas Miledy will get some levels maybe.

Not the best plan, but has the best chances of keeping everyone alive if I do it correctly. I need to keep everyone alive at this point.

I feel like I’m playing this game in some darwinist way. The weak die, the strong survive.

survival of the fittest

Except I’ve killed good units too, but most of the good ones are still alive.

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By the way did you know there’s a turn limit of 25 turns and you have to have Sophia live in order to get a legendary :tm: weapon

Wendy was the biggest disappointment ever.

Hi, I’m Wendy. Most units double me. I deal ~7 dmg tops, I can’t hit anything and I also have 4 move. And high con. Oh, did I mention I have no res and really low HP? And I am locked to lances?


No way. I either keep Roy or Sophia alive. I don’t have enough good units to keep both alive.

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(if you dont get all of the legendary weapons, or any of them break before chapter 22-23, you get the bad ending)

Lances aren’t terrible to be locked to

But Wendy is debatably worse than Sophia so :eyes: