Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



I had a dream that tooth paste overflowed from my tooth paste container into the sink and it just filled the sink

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I just had a thought.
Between earth water and fire benders, which of them can bend magma? What about melted metals? Is there even a relevant distinction between the two?

Simon what is magma made out of. This is a leading question

i think the general rule for waterbenders is that if it is a liquid, it can be bent as long as they have the power to do so, them being strongest at the full moon

Like magma may be hot, but it isn’t really Fire is it.

might fall into earth territory?

I’m looking it up rn and according to the first couple of searches earth benders have been able to bend magma before?

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if blood is still water then molten rock is still earth
or something like that

Cause it’s like how mud can be bent by earth and water benders, but it’s hot.
It also begs the question, are water benders actually water benders specifically, or liquid benders? Cause both mud and blood have a good amount of water in then, yes, when bent water benders manipulate the whole liquid, not just the water bits, as that would separate the water from the not water bits. And afaik they’re not really shown bending ice. Not even to melt it into water to bend further.

But like. If I had distilled hydro choric acid, without any water molecules or even any oxygen in it, could water benders bend it?
Could they bend hydrogen peroxide? Perhaps just to separate it into water and oxygen?

Molten rock. So earth benders definitely, via the whole mud thing.

if I remember right lava and magma are the same thing but one is in underground and one is on the surface right

Well, it can be more than one


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if it has water in it, it can be bent

but bloodbending only works on full moons until it can just fucking be used whenever?

Also, my proposal for the third cookie thread which is rapidly approaching is that we just continue from 50000 for new numbers to use

Have there been any examples of them bending ice as ice? (So not melting it first, perhaps a bit similar to earth benders)

Why not continue from 100000

I rarely drink

Sometimes I have a glass of wine but thats about the extent of it

Oh i replied to the wrong post lol