Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

anyone have movie recommendations

will give review/thoughts on it afterwards btw

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now, this is a totally irrelevant question, but due to it being a japanese film it would be piratable on anime sites like gogoanime rather than a movie one like fmovies, correct? not that i would ever do such a thing :eyes:

right, i found it also this dude’s face lol

reminds me of katze right before she enters the torture chamber for her villager in mc


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Yeah, it is. I wouldn’t ever do such a thing either, though.

ok watching it now so far it seems to be just like a really long anime episode (well obviously, and im expecting it to be similar to an anime) but idk maybe it’ll be more serious as it goes on since it’s a movie cause i feel like as a movie it should take itself more seriously and i like it more when it does

just got to the part with the japanese vas speaking english and OH MY GOD WHY DOES EVERY JAPANESE COMPANY DO THIS like their english sucks but we’re supposed to pretend that their english is perfect or something it really really takes me out of the immersion omfg i have to make a post abt how bad it is lol at least it’s not as bad as assassination classroom

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“hm, i was, definitreay skeptical before i sew de video.” made me laugh and also cringe hard inside

OH MY GOD the subtitles dont even match the subtitles for the english say “I had no idea that there was such a capable player in Japan.” (should be present tense too i think) but he says talented instead of capable like bruh xD

the english reminds me of my cousin’s english class lol

in china i occasionally help him with is english hw and sometimes the grammar is off even in the textbooks and the teachers think they’re correct but they’re not like wtf

side note, cute ass doggo

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these basketball players do NOT look 18 but it’s an anime so i’ll let it slide

but seriously lol what the heck they’re so fucking BUILT and they look so aggressive/threatening

sorry i just like nitpicking the details of movies bc logic lol

this guy is ugly and the hair color is :nauseated_face:


idk who he is but, like, mood

instant favorite character :cactus:


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hm not quite sure what to think but i enjoy seeing the different perspectives of ppl rn ig




holy shit that was impressive also i like the theatrics

ig theyre not really gonna try and take themselves seriously but this was fun to watch and it sets the tone ig so i can live with it, just as long as it doesn’t get too silly


like idk if that’s evena llowed in real basketball and someone threw theirs at someone’s head like wtf damn bro chilll

idk if these r spoilers bc im like barely 10 min in but yea


all the third dude did was spin around a lot ok


JustMinecraftStuff :tm: