Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

they aren’t even wither skeletons there’s fucking skeletons in the nether

nobody escapes the mafia

oh shit i forgot about the wither can we fight the wither

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I just made the mist delicious pile of nachos in the world ever and I feel like a fucking god


A very full and fatty god

Can confirm that can happen in 1.15

At least on Bedrock

I believe sulit was farming skeletons for that purpose

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I thought it was XP farming

No the wither skeletons in the nether

When designing a setup where do ya’ll put classcards? Just in a Word doc or something?

I started a draft in a word doc then make a forums PM to format them for fourms

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And when I say I I mean marshal because imagine doing work

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I normally DM @TheAltInOurStars

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you can just DM yourself or system if you are designing alone

if you have a co designer you can just all be in 1 PM

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@Arete what are you doing in my house? didnt know you were coming over


get away from my sister :angry:

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you dont need an alt to dm yourself.
for instance i can create a dm with @Simon as the only recipient

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although, a caution
do not dm discobot.
they act like every reply is a call to them so even if you dont mention them they process it like a command and respond


I would not do word doc but on forums itself if you can in a dm. I had a real hard time with word as the formatting for some reason added paragraphs between everything while copying it over.