Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

As long as you reply to the thread itself and not them i havent had that problem

thats what im doing.
its fine tho i just abandoned that

wow you sound like the perfect player to join dreaming gods and titans which you should totally do! (not sponsored :tm:)

fun fact

you can send messages of fewer than 10 characters in replies to a DM with Disco

ever want some good, o’ld fashioned disgusting cringe?

just read the youtube comments for any music video ever

just… ew

if you’re reading this in 2020 you are cool

now give me ur credit card

jokes on you i am $100000 in debt so enjoy

This song is my quarantine vibe

this song hits different in quarantine

the nostalgia almost gave me a seizure

some homie posting the lyrics in the comments

OMG anyone else here from TIKTOK? or [name of popular show]

I was born in the wrong generation

if the singer is dead: 500 comments saying RIP

1 Like

I just


for the songs I like at least It’s filled with the worst of edgy preteens who think they are cool for liking songs from the 80’s

these guys are the true heroes of youtube

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I like DAVID BOWIE instead of COCAINE RAP SONG art is DEAD

ughhh i hate myself when reading this it’s so bad how are these people the same age as me

all of these “i’m only 15 but…” comments makes me think I was born in the wrong generation

I am slowly losing faith in humanity

oh no we’re going full circle

I do not want to be in the generation of people who don’t want to be in their generation

I have ascended

1 Like

this is illegal

Hecking heck

I do not want to be in the generation of Marshal.

How to get likes on the forum of lies: a conclusive guide.

best/wost forum quotes - classic wasy of farming likes. See something mildly funny? Just post it there! Likely to get 5+ likes almost all the time if people enjoy it.

for if you are gone long periods of time - Ones here obviously get likes. Usually sad-likes, because someone we know is departing. Not great for farming, because that thread is for people who are taking a break from FM/the forum and usually people follow through.

Grand Idea class cards - this one scales directly with effort and memeability. If you make a card that is topical, funny, and at least looks high-effort, you can farm some easy likes

Posting mafia flips - this one is simple. When you are cohosting a game and a mafia is about to be voed off, tell your co-host “I got this one”. Especially if it’s early game, everyone will be super excited about exe-ing a mafia, or will feel compelled to like it as mafia to blend in. Easy like farming especially early game.

venting thread - if you are ever feeling down, people will often empathize and like your posts. Being supportive of someone and commenting that is great too. It makes someone feel better and people obviously like when people support each other.

topical memes - memes are easy to make, you can use the free site takes like 30 seconds to make them, and can get you 10+ likes depending on how topical it is


I have done extreme like analysis and discovered patterns

and will fool all of you into eventually giving me the admired badge