Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

(Maybe other things too, idk?)

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Teacher: “Okay class, so what’s a good use for Infrared radiation?”
Student 1: “Ooh, for detecting faults in heat-inducing objects like cookers or kettles!”
Student 2: “For checking structural stability of insulation in buildings!”



Now all that we need is to forceroll Kat as this class every time he plays :^)

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Ans make sure you and Arete join :^)


Good typo lmao.


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Ones that allow a player who carries factional to use their other night action at the same time and ones that don’t.

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Oh yeah. Thanks. I’ll find out the term for that once I have my edit permissions back :upside_down_face:

Isn’t that Assigned/Unassigned?

It would be subcategories of assigned.

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Like, if it’s assigned to a specific person they can’t do their night action. If it’s unassigned, mafia can do their night actions + factional.

We need to coin a proper term for it.
… Ambidex?

Very often factional is assigned (can be tracked/watched) but that person can use another action at the same time.
In fact in modbot on MU it’s default.

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Ambidex Assigned Factional Kill

I think it’s exclusive/non-exclusive, but don’t quote me on that.

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So they’d be seen visiting both targets?

Confused Jane noises

Yes if they are tracked.

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‘exclusive’ sucks.
Ambidex is better tbh