Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Just chillin outside wbu

I was checking out some new announcements from the school, and my sister also got her cap and gown for graduation. She’s graduating top of her class for middle school :smiley:


That’s great :D

I dunno but the onion strikes again


So what are you guys doing for fun? I am a bit bored xP

Well sulit has a minecraft server setup

currently sitting through a 3 hour lecture on a topic we should’ve learned 3 years ago XP


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Currently am binging dokapon kingdom

game is too long
don’t binge it

it’s actually way too long

You underestimate the power of adding 3 AIs

All of which rig the rolls

or at least 2 of them

You think this is agenda? You’re a little baby.

Take a look at my towncore d1/d2 in RM4.

thoughts on me as a host?
any tips?

Eh, you’re fine as a host.

I love closed setups.

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how did insurgency compare to other closed setups for you?

I enjoyed it, tbh.

Setup felt fairly balanced despite the ITA craziness.

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Sulit has a minecraft server?


It’s more FoL Minecraft server doh