Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

your opinion is wrong

we just need to make an offering to mithras before we start the game
that must be what we’re doing wrong

I deepwolfed super hard

I’m well aware.
Thank you Geyde.

I mean
Ans made an offering to Corax before SFoL 61
And proceeded to roll Prince then Assassin

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and was basically guaranteed both wins

Do you seriously think that I haven’t been performing blood rituals so that Cult keeps rolling this whole time :^)

Elect a Chancellor through mech weirdness in your setup.

That would require electing a different neut :eyes:

no problem
Civil service

i’ve run low on materials so i haven’t been able to make sacrifices to mithras before my games

clearly without mithras’ blessing we cannot win as cult
for it is him who empowers us

I literally predicted both.
The formula here is to probably make an offering and predict a class that I actually want.

So basically
You’re gonna wish for a Cult class besides Cabalist
Or chancellor

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anstreim cult leader italy acolyte when

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@marshal please add in the classcard that the shipper becomes the shipping king

it’ll probably be the other way around but everything goes wrong when i’m cult leader so we just need to hope i’m acolyte

You’re gonna roll Apostle and he’s going to give you that alt that makes you suicide

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I really want to try my hand at a Chancellor to be honest.
The potential is almost limitless, there are so many ways to approach it too.

It is a good alt though.

uses curse of mithras on the demon’s target instead like a boss