Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oops wrong image!

yes i gather that’s how straight people work

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Wtf is that handle?


so… you’re gay

idk and quite frankly i don’t want to know

imagine walking in to see your boyfriend cheating on you for a g i r l smh

more accurately i should say allosexual as the counterpart prefix to asexual
but most non-aces don’t know that world

i wouldn’t know because that’d require having a boyfriend/girlfirend

ok gay boy

0/10 i will never buy redbull again

I guess that could be interpreted as a sentence with some imagination?

i mean
in fairness i do identify with like the umbrella use of gay for the whole LGBTQIA community
so hah


what the hecc lol

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nice you r giving me permission to call u a gay boy

Its also called Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
That was basically the old Germany, just a bit bigger in its borders. By structure it was more like a loose alliance of small states

look maxi i fail to see what the problem is with not wanting to fuck anybody or why I’d need to go to quote “horny jail” unqoute for that

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I mean, there’s obviously the Voltaire quote, which helps, but I do want to go into detail on it, it’s just that how such a bizarre confederation got formed.

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Pg13 guys :eyes:

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