Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

im joking sister



wait are katze and Chloe not actually related?

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

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Wait, is Apprentice not actually an apprentice?

What does this mean?

who said that

He is actually the master


And I’m not Emilia
Who knew

No sorry


We should make a joke confessions chat.

wheres the they both taste the same button



I hate cola so i abstain from voting

Most other carbonated beverages I hate less than i did as a child, but I still can’t stand cola for the life of me.

i really want a sanpellegrino

I think you posted this word knowing most people here don’t know what it is.

I found a fellow heathen

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i didnt

i thought it was a known thing?

An Italian beverage company.