Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Mainly i just have a pair of gym shoes, winter boots, closed toed sandals, and chacos depending on the time of year. I replace one when it wears down too much

I own flip flops, but i dont really use them outside of going to the pool / if im really lazy but have to go out to get the mail

sweaty crocs are nasty

is this another language
i do not understand

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how do you get crocs sweaty

Actually fair

I prefer jeans w/ a belt, but i wear shorts when it gets too hot here around june to august

But sweaty flip flops bad too

Fixed that for you.

gardening in 100 degrees = sweat

I have never worn shoes that are not flip flops unless absolutely necessary


imagine disengaging when you have the objective but there are traitors left to kill

Does your school allow open-toe shoes?

Yes, it is, and no, you do not
I braved the polar vortex in january 2019
-50 F with -80F Windchill at its worst
Had to wear thermal heating insulated gloves, double face mask, two winter hats, like 5 upper body layers w/ a really beefy winter coat, a scarf, 2 lower body layers, and 3 pairs of socks, or u’d get frostbite in under 4 seconds.

Marshal you also shower in socks.
Your opinion doesn’t count :^)

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but also wearing socks and closed toe shoos in hot texas means that your feet will be pruney from all the trapped sweat

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hell no lmao

Yeah having to wear tennis shoes during the end of the school year during high school SUCKED

god my feet were sweaty
it was so hot

I’d rather live in -40F yearround than 120F yearround

i’d rather not live


that sounds bad

i mean

if i had to pick one of those two