Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


You can always add more layers of protection
But there comes a point where you can’t minimize that element any further


now imagine having to wear pants, dress shoes, a blazer, collared shirt, and tie.

In august

crocs with socks
crocs with socks

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dont have to imagine

doing that every day would suck tho

am i the only person this sounds genuinely nice to

it’s only on wednesdays

but god damn do wednesdays suck

in heat

Freshman year of high school, i was obsessed with looking fancily even though i never had to
I wore a dress shirt + vest basically every day, and used a tie too pretty often.

In Australia?

wearing heavy clothes in 105 degree weather while having to walk around all day?


August is cold here.

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we have two aussies in the thread

theyre taking over


We’re from U.S., which has reversed seasons to australia.
August is usually the hottest month here.

I put on shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals and went outside to take a picture because I thought it would be funny :upside_down_face:


I wear a lot of different shoes

But I usually just prefer ones that are easy to out on because I’m really lazy

you poor soul

temperature can go negative?


Oh yes. Australia does get a little chilly in August. Not as bad as the UK for example though you’d still want warm clothes to endure the Australian winter.

Everybody must change ‘ours’ to their ‘ors’.

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