Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

There was also the Bomb Cyclone in March 2019 in Colorado
Wasn’t nearly as cold as the Polar Vortex, but was basically a superblizzard
Extreme snow + extreme wind

I prefer heat to cold tbh

I kinda hate it here

Because it gets relatively cold in the winter

But it gets so freaking hot in the summer and it gets hot really unexpectedly fast so I’m unprepared

So whenever it happens I just kinda melt till it gets cooler

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and C O R N

we can’t forget about the vast expansions of extremely exciting and unique corn fields

idly :angry:

Here in illinois winter is either meh or extremely cold

Probably where chloe lives, school often gets cancelled when temperature goes below 20F
Where I live, it never does unless below -20F, i think.

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school rarely gets cancelled because it’s cold

Mostly because of ice

oh, hello fellow illinoisan

school got cancelled for hurricanes, very bad rainstorms, and hail

snow isn’t a thing
ice isn’t a thing


I don’t see why that’s a bad thing .:sunglasses:

illinois is cooler Indiana

only because chicago


Yay you beat thracia

Now what fe game will you complete

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Now do FE12 reverse lunatic

Do three houses infernal

What do you mean it’s impossible?

oh so you are the kid at school who wears suits all the time

every school seems to have one

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no just play the bald hack