Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

What if Nk wins with Evil in a Grande Idea?

did I stutter

sleepy bed times

I’m down with that. My pfp for starters :sunglasses: .

interesting maneuver

With the mouth of each head chewing on a banana.

Imagine even having a locker

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We must usurp the royalties

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starting the stream of battlefleet gothic soonTM once it loads

Wait what?



When’s the next cookie?

Wait nvm I thought we passed over it for some reason.

Is your school restricting clothing? Wut

In the U.S., most schools do not have a dress code, meaning you can wear basically whatever you want so long as it isn’t overly revealing and doesn’t have some sort of offensive text, symbols, or imagery on it.

However, Marshal attends a private catholic school which has a very strict dress code.
Religion-centric private schools usually have a dress code. Some posh / prestigious expensive non-religious private schools also usually have dress codes.

I wouldn’t call it very strict except on wednesdays, which is when we do in-school mass.

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But… sandals!
I wear sandals for 6+ months in the year, sometimes with socks sometimes without
How can you forbid sandals

Asking that question is kind of like asking how Lawyers in Los Angeles wear full suits yearround, even in the most brutal parts of the summer.

It’s just expected, presumably.

That reminds me of that at the high school that I graduated from, we had JROTC Uniform Inspections every Wednesday, so I had to wear the uniform the entire day then. I even had to wear that thing commuting to college courses after HS in the evenings, even during exams and labs lol. P annoying

But… why