Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

first rule of like farming

we don’t talk about the fight club?

that’s how fight club works

for like farming

usually people, in regards to memes, like based on the context they’re used in
especially so as replies to other posts

tomatoes aren’t good

1 Like

just click link pls trust me this once <3


no click

subjective /shrug

y not

somebody could have just agreed with you and said they were instead great
why am I even thinking about this

if I ate burgers I’d take tomatoes off them

as it stands I always order sandwiches without tomatoes and salads without em

tomato bad

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because the last time I clicked a link to another site it was bait
plus you went about it in a weird ass way

it’s literally imgur smile

this isn’t helping

Trust me, i inspected the element
It is neither a lie or a rickroll.
You can inspect element too if you like.

would you like a helping hand then?



I’ve done the same exact imgur trick to fool people into a false sense of security before

the avatar has returned

How is it possible to hide a rick roll from the element inspection
