Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


that’s about what I expected


Trust me, it’s legit.

I legitimately can’t tell if you’re intentionally trolling

the amount of bait links on this forum has hardened my resolve

I am
i’ve gotten baited and learned before that the element inspection can lie

this is a link to a 10 hour video of ayaya

light theme! my eyes!!!



10 minutes

/vote kat

exe all liars

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no please believe me

Why is there no GUI for life
Why can’t I just know the amount of vitamin and stuff I have in me


Link the real version reee

@Ami meant to post this on ur bday but i forgot so enjoy this is far too late to be funny but eh

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But Ami is too young for menopause

i thought trans ppl dont have periods? damn do i just like know nothing

She’s female smh

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wasn’t ami like

nozbugz before

or am i just hallucinating


Where are you at with Blinding Bald so far (if at all)?
After much frustration, I was able to beat chapter 3 with all side objectives (steal body ring / secret event / save all green units) on elitist
holy fuck having halos be an exp sponge then promoting them was a godly decision


I just made the switch from Chrome to Firefox a few days ago
Im so happy
Ur right that the adblock / scriptblock support is much more thorough w/ mozilla store than w/ chrome store
Also the UI is p good now; much, much better than i remember from the last time i used firefox like 6 years ago.

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the font on firefox is shit compared to chrome

only thing that i really miss

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