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Only the biggest universities are collegiate, though, the main ones being Oxford and Caimbridge, and essentially as well as picking what to apply for you have to pick a college to apply for as well.

School grades do matter
If your grades are too bad, you have to do the year again, or change to a less hard school (like switching from a 13y to a 10y school)

I’ve seen some places accept ppl for dual enrollment as young as 15, FTR
More often than not these ppl do the best in their classes even though they’re 3-6 years younger than everyone else
they just have more drive

My sister said college was harder than uni surprisinglu
She’s getting a bachelors really soon

i mean less academic
personally there are no good colleges for things i’m interested in nearby, which is why I’m going for uni

I’m trying to leave for University in the next 3 years.
I’m not particularly certain though.

ah yes
this is a thing here
you can start college 1-3 years early while still in high school here if you want
usually the district that oversees your high school covers all of that tuition
which is quite nice

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Going to University isn’t that important tho here
Just doing 9 or 10 years of school and then starting a 3 year traineeship (dual on business school + on working place) is totally viable too

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i think they’re called apprenticeships over here

and yeah, a lot of people in my Sixth Form are taking that option

oh yes our final phase of high school is called Sixth Form because why the fuck not

I would say it’s basically impossible to make over $30-35k / yr (which is very low) here without a bachelor’s degree unless you’re extremely skilled (professional athlete / musician / chef / actor / author / streamer / small business creator or something)

I chose to get an associate’s degree here but now it’s absurdly useless to me because it was basically the first two years of an engineering bachelor’s, and im not getting a bachelor’s anytime soon

Yeah Apprenticeships are actually really good in the UK

Over here i think the equivalent term is probably Trade School

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Everything is more expensive here. Most places, much more expensive
So yes it’s low
things scale with environment you know

£23k > £27k is pretty low money

You’d be on the streets in somewhere like New York with that amount

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In San Fran, with twice that much you’d still be on the streets.

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We have the same here, except it’s 1-10 and 4 is ‘barely acceptable’.