Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

There’s definitely a place where I’m right and you are wrong

This is a proven fact


Probably was a game on here tbh

School was the easy part. Here comes the hard part of life.
I’m about to pop this guy’s bubble :sunglasses: .

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School was the hard part

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Sssshh trying to pop his bubble :sunglasses: .

But it’s simply false, at least from my perspective. I had a really bad school time. Being adult is chill in comparison.

some people say that school was easy and being an adult is the worst thing ever

some people say that being an adult is way better in comparison to being in school

idk what to think

im going to just ride a horse into the sunset and die of thirst or food poisoning 5 days later


Where are you going to get the horse?


Texas is to the east, right?
As in, the sun sets on the wrong side.

School was terrible but being an ‘adult’ is worse tbf.

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for me, texas is to the north, south, east, and west

school was bad because reasons
adulting is bad for other reasons

but a lot of people hate school because they have no freedom and adulting gives them a lot more of that


In some aspects.
In others you feel like a slave, to be honest.

You just have more agency.

I guess this is a case where one size doesn’t fit all.

I remember that I cried each day after coming home from school over multiple months in a row
Doubt that anything ever can be as terrible

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meh as an adult i’ll just ignore reality by spending all of my time on FM so it shouldn’t be that bad :wink:


You’ll last five days.

10/10 would recommend :^)

Tbf right now I’m basically doing nothing