Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Ici got exe’d as an IC in PMMM FM


The game got canned when I turned it off and I had to re rand it

I’ve just realized that Vengeful Innocent Child has a practical use

If it dies and gets defiled or janitored everyone knows what it is anyway

we really lowered the bar for what’s practical

I blame grand idea

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he wasn’t online and didn’t reveal
so that was his mistake™


now we can blame him for our loss, and not the person who claimed Masons with a wolf


ici revealing would have caused a wolf lynch which probably would have really fucked over some of the wolves since I think all of them were either on the v wagon or novoters

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also it might have meant I was able to save Wisp

just because he was redchecked didn’t mean he was scum!!

>claims cop in neighborhood and talks about who they were targeting

gamer moment achieved

Sounds like that game was a crapshoot

tfw you finally get a crime spree above 50 but your stealth skills suck so you lose thanks to murky station being dumb

43 continental coins to continue spree

No, I don’t think I will

it took me a second to realize what you were talking about

also you might be the only payday player literally ever to not have a boosted crime spree ranking because literally every public lobby was at 200k+ crime spree last time i played


Town Cowboy

Why did I do this (Passive) - Grab your cowboy hat and sunglasses to take a picture for a shitty meme, for no good reason. You will be instantly modkilled for quoting your classcard

Defeat the Cult (not the unseen, cuz they are the cooler faction) and any neutrals that seek to do you harm


this means that quoting your rolecard isn’t illegal for other classes

Marshal has been modkilled for quoting his classcard! He was:


Town Cowboy

Why did I do this (Passive) - Grab your cowboy hat and sunglasses to take a picture for a shitty meme, for no good reason. You will be instantly modkilled for quoting your classcard

Defeat the Cult (not the unseen, cuz they are the cooler faction) and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

Fucking yikes

I just run my sprees with bots and pray I don’t have to choose between golden grin casino, watchdogs day 1, and big bank

Marshal has been modkilled for quoting his class card! He was…


Town Cowboy

Why did I do this (Passive) - Grab your cowboy hat and sunglasses to take a picture for a shitty meme, for no good reason. You will be instantly modkilled for quoting your classcard

Defeat the Cult (not the unseen, cuz they are the cooler faction) and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

arete and amelia mindmelded lockhost