Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Stop talking in the game thread, you were modkilled

Also the Day ended as punishment, Areet lock ze thread


Town… Cat

Screw if I knew how to tell it’s gender (Passive) - Host has no idea how to categorize you, so you can participate in events as you are either gender.

Charm (Day) - Reveal self as a member of town. You are too cute for anyone to doubt it, really.

Rest (Night) - Sleep well tonight, dreaming of some piece of mechanical information. However due to your sociable nature, if too many people visit you, you will not be able to sleep at all and your action will fail.

Wincon: Defeat all threats to the town.

hello this is a classcard i made all by myself


what are you gonna do, modkill me?

yes but actually RAW

Marshal has been banned from the forum :wink:

Night has ended

Amelia has died in the night

She was [cleaned]

Amelia has revealed as a member of the Town!


if you’re primarily stealthing i’d prob pick big bank

you can prob bring a mostly-dodge build and stealth the first half of that heist with decent consistency, and then bring the bus escape and get out with the bare minimum

if you’re not then watchdogs day 1 is prob the easiest of those 3? idk

havent played PD2 in quite some time so my memory may be failing me

God damn it why did you kill the host

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forum broke and temporarily gave amelia modpowers


You are dead.
No more speaking :^)

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But Anstreim, I have an ability that lets me speak while dead

amelia is dead

but why is amelia dead?

needs charge

Fuck I knew the battery ran out

I was expecting crab rave.

Main reasons for those are fuck moving tons of bags

Usually I have to do 2-5 restarts depending on how much I suck and how much rng fucks me over

So yeah guess I’ll stick to getting fucked by tasers, medics, fucking cloakers, and bulldozers(though an lmg at close range just melts them in seconds) all over a sick beat my lord simon viklund(however infinite ammo by Le Castle Vania is my go-to loud track)

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amelia is dead :crab:

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